Wednesday, July 20, 2011

i really just dont care for summer

my polish ass can't deal with the heat and humidity. i can't stop sweating and can't go outside, i feel like i'm confined to an area with constant streams of air conditioning and i just chill at home all day in my underwear. looking back at journal entries from my paper diaries it's about this time i wish for school to start back up and my weeks to be filled with a little more entertainment.

im realizing this week is going a lot like last week, chilling early in the week and putting off an assignment that's due thursday until the day before. only three weeks left in this class and then im done, i do however need to put in work for it before it's done. i just need to sit down and do it, which has been harder to do since kevin and i started up a netflix account.

i finished up the rest of arrested development as i never saw the end. got to where buster got his hand bitten off with my friend maneesha a few semesters back but never got back to it till yesterday. also watched the first season of archer. been watching netflix for 3 days straight pretty much, and it's already been well worth the $4.

really just waiting for august to start as i have a lot of fun things planned/fun weekends ahead. it may actually compete with april for the radest month of the year.and i'm starting it off with a trip home for a dr's appointment and a quick neighbor chiller, and you already know what that means.

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